Learn How Calumite Slag
Helps Your Business
Economically Smart.
Environmentally Sound.
An essential raw material for the glass industry, Calumite Slag is an
environmentally beneficial alumina source used in all types of soda-lime-silica glass production. Its unique melting
and refining properties enable producers to reduce energy consumption and reduce CO2 and NOx
emissions while improving product quality
For those in the glass-making industry, the integration of Calumite Slag as
the essential raw material offers a clear opportunity that is beneficial to the environment,
product quality, and the economic health
of your operations.
Calumite Slag ’s innovative, slag-based composition makes it the glass makers’ raw
material of choice in the production of soda-lime-silica glass. Calumite Slag ’s improved
melting efficiency gives you reduced CO2 emissions, reduced NOx emissions, and reduced energy consumption,
among other advantages. This translates into energy savings, increased glass yield, and improved
glass quality.
Calumite Slag . It’s Economically Smart, Environmentally
Sound, and the preferred, green raw material for glass manufacturers worldwide.